6 Benefits of Stretching Before and After Your Workout

Do you work out regularly? Working out on a regular basis is a great way to improve and maintain good health. It is critical to make sure you have a good stretching routine in place, however If you’re not stretching before and after your workout you’re not really taking advantage of a complete workout routine.

There are several specific benefits of stretching both before and after a workout. Keep reading to learn more about these benefits, as well as how it can help you begin to incorporate more healthy stretches into your daily workout routine.

How Does Stretching Improve Your Fitness and Overall Health?

When you experience tightness, spasms, and chronic discomforts such as headaches and neck pain, it causes your muscles to hold stress. Stress floods your body with “fight or flight” hormones such as cortisone and adrenaline. These imbalances can suppress your immune function, making you more vulnerable to viruses and other diseases. Regular stretches help your body release all that pent-up stress.  By relaxing and loosening your muscles, you can maintain better control over your blood pressure, avoid chronic muscle pain, and keep your immune system ready for anything.

Different Types of Stretching:

  • Dynamic Stretching – These are active movements that are not held but still cause muscles to stretch. These are often done to prepare your muscles for movement.
  • Ballistic Stretching – Ballistic stretching involves bouncing movement to push muscles beyond a normal range of motion.
  • Static Stretching – This involves holding a particular stretch for 10 to 20 seconds. This type of stretch should feel comfortable and is normally done after a workout.

Why Should I Stretch Before My Workout?

  • Increased Blood Flow
  • Increased Range of Motion
  • Improved Performance

Why Should I Stretch After My Workout?

  • Reduce pain and risk of injury
  • Gradual Relaxation
  • Elimination of Lactic Acid

The appropriate stretches can help you improve your overall health.  Talk to one of our trainers about how they can help you.

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